Friday, March 28, 2014


I hope you had a wonderful time in Charleston. Be sure to check my Twitter feed and #davis6 for all the great photos your chaperones took. There are hundreds more photos on the Flickr stream Mr. Frank posted. Be thinking about what you learned, what you loved, and what you will always remember. (Hint: Journal Entry on this topic coming soon!)

For the coming week, please bring something to read with you each day to your testing room. You have four myths to be read by Wednesday; use any free time to read if you have not yet completed these. Eat a healthy breakfast, and be on time to school, please.

We have "B" days Monday through Thursday, then a regular Friday schedule. On Monday in class, I will explain the Greek Myth cartoon project, which I did not get to do on the 24th. I will be extending the due date to Friday, April 4. Each day in class, work on writing your Persuasive Essay, which is due to me by the end of your block on Friday. If you finish the essay before Friday, work on your cartoon in class.

That's it! Have a great weekend, and I will see you Monday morning.