Friday, August 29, 2014

Another incredible week!

You all did an amazing job with the lessons on segregation, Civil Rights, and current events. We will come back to these topics several more times during the year. Surely the Torah was speaking to us as we heard "Tzedek, tzedek, tirdof" this week! I would love to say I planned that, but I didn't, which makes the timing that much more powerful. We also began our grammar studies. Always remember that you are being judged by the way you communicate - that's the society in which we live, and the reason I am a stickler for correct G.U.M.S.

Next week we focus on the writing process with the essay comparing Kenny and Byron, and a visit by nationally recognized educator and storyteller, Marilyn Price. She will help us understand how to use words that enable your audience to visualize the story you are telling. We'll also have the Unit 2 vocabulary and roots test. Tutorial for this test will be on TUESDAY MORNING beginning at 7:25.

For those of you headed away for the long weekend, safe travels!

Tuesday and Wednesday: Organizing notes on Kenny and Byron, introductory paragraph, Webspiration Classroom
Thursday: Vocab and Roots Test Unit 2
Friday: Guest Marilyn Price

Journal Entry #2 is due on Tuesday, by 7 pm.
Keep reading OOMM. Those of you who have finished, don't tell others what happens!
Study for Unit 2 V&R test
Due on Friday: Easy Grammar pages 287 - 289, Exercises in English p. 128 which I will provide. Note - you will turn in p.128 for a homework grade on accuracy.

For those of you who wanted to see Victor Borge's Phonetic Punctuation again, or those of you who missed it, here it is: Phonetic Punctuation