Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Shana Tovah!

As we approach the Days of Awe, be thinking about how YOU can BE MORE AWEsome! This period of time in our calendar reminds us to evaluate ourselves as human beings. Are you being the best "YOU" you can be? That's all God asks of us. We are not supposed to compare ourselves to our friends - only to what WE are capable of being. During your time away from school, whether you are at services or not, take some time to think about what one change you can make on a daily basis that will make you more awesome. As for me, I am trying to be more understanding and patient with my own parents. Parents can be so frustrating, can't they? But really, all they want is the best for us. I am trying to remember that, and to be thankful for what they have done for me.

Here is how our schedule will look over the next couple of weeks:

Monday, 9/22 regular schedule: Cumulative Test over units 1-3 vocabulary and root words
Tuesday, 9/23 "A" schedule: Literary Elements, discussion of Out of my Mind
Wednesday, 9/24 "C" schedule: Using Webspiration Classroom, Will's birthday
Other than completing Journal Entry #3 on Edmodo, your only homework is to complete the Parts of Speech project, finish Out of my Mind, and work on the Watsons Essay if you are able.
Rosh Hashanah

Monday, 9/29 regular schedule: Parts of Speech project due, preparation for WRaP Assessment, Andrew's birthday
Tuesday, 9/30 regular schedule: WRaP Assessment part 1, Leora's birthday
Wednesday, 10/1 regular schedule: WRaP Assessment part 1, Adam's (A.J.) birthday
Thursday, 10/2 regular schedule: WRaP Assessment part 2
Friday, 10/3 "C" schedule: Noon Dismissal - Kol Nidre
PREPOSITION RE-TEST DURING STUDY HALL and 10/6 DURING STUDY HALL for those students who scored below 75%
You must attend a tutorial before re-taking this assessment.
Yom Kippur
Homework for Week of 9/29:
Due Day 2: E.G. pp. 293 - 295, Unit 4 2 sections vocab, roots cards
Due Day 3: E.G. pp. 296 - 298
Due Day 4: Unit 4 2 sections

Enjoy this overview of the first of the Literary Elements. Characterization will be up soon!