Friday, August 21, 2015

Week of 8/24 - 8/28

This week we encounter the first vocabulary and roots test, begin grammar studies, and begin reading Watsons go to Birmingham. The book will be distributed in class, and we will continue to discuss Wonder as we begin this novel study.

Day 1: Build your Weebly site, discussion about Wonder
Day 2: Vocabulary and roots review of Unit 1, complete your Tagul if not printed, Easy Grammar begin prepositions review
Day 3: Vocabulary and roots test Unit 1, distribute Watsons, E.G. 7-10
Day 4: More on prepositions

Due on your DAY 2: 3 remaining sections of vocabulary
Study for the Unit 1 test.
Begin reading Watsons go to Birmingham. You will receive a pacing chart. You may also listen to the audio version WHILE YOU READ but not instead of reading.

Last year, Sammy made a trailer about Wonder. Take a look! Nice work, Sammy.