Sunday, May 22, 2016

Another fun week ahead!

Be sure to scroll down to the post about the poetry recitations!
If I am missing a book from you, you need to be looking at home, in lost and found, in your locker, ANYWHERE you may have left it. If you cannot find the book, you need to bring me another copy or the money I can use to replace it.

This week we continue to review for finals.
Monday: "B" schedule - review will be focused on diagramming
Tuesday: Field Day! No classes
Wednesday: "A" schedule - review will be focused on diction, some grammar, literary elements
Thursday: "A" schedule - in class, you will take the Grammar Assessment (not graded)
Friday: "B" schedule, Kabbalat Shabbat in the morning at the Lower School
Review will cover grammar. If you will be out on Friday, look for a link to the activities which will be available beginning Friday morning.

NO SCHOOL Monday, May 30

Tuesday, May 31: "A" schedule - review, all topics
Wednesday, June 1: "A" schedule - Membean final
Thursday, June 2: Finals, 1/2 day
Friday, June 3: Last Day! 1/2 day