Saturday, April 29, 2017

Slow and steady...

The next few weeks will be filled with new information as well as review. Because there are many assessments coming up, I have created two calendars, one for finals preparation and one for due dates and assessments. I recommend checking these calendars daily. I will give you paper copies in class but will keep this post pinned to the top of the blog for your reference.

* LEARN YOUR POEM...a line or two each day!

* The Membean final vocabulary assessment for this year will be in class on May 12. As you have learned, using the website CONSISTENTLY and with variety is the key to success. I have turned off new words to allow you to master the existing list you have. To quote Mrs. Cohen, "You're welcome."

* I have the due date (FINALLY) for your novel: May 15. As I assigned it last week, this gives you more than enough time to complete it if you are reading 12-15 pages a day. I know someone will ask, "What if I don't finish?" Well, your final writing assignment is based on the book. So I suggest you read it.

* You will note that I have added a link to a new Symbaloo page that has MANY online resources for finals review. If you find one that is VALID that you think other students would use, let me know and I will add it. (Thanks to Brooke for two new ones!)

* I just came across this vid, which addresses some diction issues in a funny way.

* To accommodate for Shavuot, your LA and math finals are now on May 30. You will also have a year-end math assessment and grammar assessment separate from finals. The grammar assessment will NOT be counted in your LA grade for the trimester.

* If you would prefer to see the calendar in a larger view, follow this link.