Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Week of 11/18

As I will be telling your parents, I can already see the development in your writing, comprehension, and vocabulary! I am so pleased with your individual efforts in class and with the challenging homework, essays, tests, and assignments that I give you. A new reading assignment will occur after Thanksgiving Break. Until then, choose a book to read! Mr. Williamson probably has MANY excellent suggestions.

Next week we complete writing letters and work on an integrated essay that will combine research skills, an inverted funnel style, and SCIENCE! I am looking forward to enjoying the Tellus Field Trip with you.

The Unit 7 vocab and roots test will be MONDAY, tutorial for this unit is MONDAY morning 11/18, before school.

Be working on securing an interview for your newspaper article. Look for someone out in the community who is demonstrating one or more of our Davis Academy values. Feel free to ask any questions you may have about this project!

Day 1: Unit 7 Vocabulary and Roots Test
Receive Tellus Essay instructions and rubric

Day 2: Revise friendly letter, if needed. Review Business Letter Format.
Understanding citations/sites/parenthetical annotation

Day 3: Tellus Field Trip

Day 4: Work on Essay

Day 1: Finish your Friendly Letter, make sure you have a business address.
Day 2: Finish your Business Letter
Day 3: Brainstorm/Web ideas for the science topic on which you will write your essay.
Day 4: No homework, unless letters are incomplete.