Saturday, October 3, 2015

Submitting your essay

I have so many eager beavers out there! I am extremely excited about reading your essays. You are working hard to do a great job on these. I know you are learning a lot about using evidence and providing an interesting sequence of thoughts. Several of you have asked how to submit your essay. You will not be "Sharing" with me on Google Docs. We are using Google Classroom. Please watch this video that explains how to submit the essay. I do not know if you can submit it more than once. So, I would recommend NOT submitting until you are completely done with this first essay. We'll find out together whether I have to create a second assignment for you to submit revisions.

Keep in mind that I have not yet discussed the concluding paragraph. I will be doing that on Thursday. On Wednesday, I will review the introductory paragraph one more time and will explain how to put the page numbers for evidence in your essay.