Friday, November 20, 2015

Happy Turkey Day!

We continue working on the Mystery Box project, Murder Files on the iPads (the sound problem has been fixed), and progress in Easy Grammar with the verb unit. You should also begin learning Unit 6 vocabulary words and roots and will have a new journal assignment due 11/30, then another one due 12/11.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE be writing down your assignments in your agenda/calendar/journal as we have a lot happening in school. It is difficult to remember everything.


11/23: Foreshadowing, Giver Test corrections, Murder Files/Mystery Box
11/24 "A" schedule, Spirit Wear - anything with Davis on it, boys and girls, Mechanics pre-assessment (this will not be a grade)

If you missed any questions on the Unit 4 and 5 V&R tests, I want you to write sentences using those words/roots correctly. You will get both tests back on Monday. This will be due Day 2 of next week.
Continue learning Unit 6 vocabulary words and roots. Test will be 12/7.
New Journal Entry. See Google Classroom for the assignment, due 11/30.
Keep reading your Mystery novel and working on the information for your box if you need more time than we have in class.


11/30: Studying diction, "i" words pp. 54-56 in Easy Grammar, work on Mystery Box Project or Murder Files (your choice)
DAY 2: Continue with diction pp.59-61 in Easy Grammar, work on Mystery Box Project or Murder Files (your choice)
Vocabulary and roots correction sentences due in class today.
DAY 3: Diction, irregular verbs and one-word/two-word pairs, work on Mystery Box Project or Murder Files (your choice)
DAY 4 "B" Schedule: Receive Midterm Study Guide, diagramming practice

Continue learning and practicing Unit 6 vocabulary words and roots. Test will be 12/7.
Journal Entry about Chemical reactions due on MONDAY by 4pm. NEXT journal entry due 12/11 on
Aim for completing your novel by 12/4. IF you need additional time because you have chosen a longer book, that's fine. PLEASE TELL ME!
Work on your Mystery Box project at home as needed. Unless you have made arrangements with me, the box is due at the end of the day on 12/4.