Sunday, January 8, 2017

Week of January 9

You should be reading Peak each day. It is an incredible story, not true but based on facts. You may find MANY words in this book you need to look up to understand. Cairn, garish, precarious, audacious are a few. Here is a Quizlet set from a student of another school you may find helpful: Peak vocab

This week I will give you some background information about tagging, urban climbing, acclimatizing and Everest. Additionally, I will return midterms and the newspaper grades. Ms. Garrison will be in class on Day 3 to check your Weebly. Be sure you have it updated as requested in advisory.

I will also be getting us going on the next grammar unit - verbs. Make sure you have your Grammar/Writing notebook in class this week and next.

You should begin studying Membean again. Next test on 1/18 or 1/19 (your Day 3). You have a journal entry on Google Classroom due Friday, 5pm. ****Please see the bottom of this post if you are interested in my own entry for this journal. I will be completing the tasks I ask you to complete and will share my progress with you.****

For those interested, this is a 3-D view of the mountain: Everest 3-D
Be patient; it takes a while to load.

Photo: Everest Camp 4. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Jan. 2017. .

To read my journal entry about one little word, follow this link: journal entry 9