Saturday, March 1, 2014

Welcome to March!

We have another short week as I have the opportunity to share with your parents the effort in learning and growing you have displayed. On both Monday and Tuesday, you will spend the entire class time researching facts to support your persuasive essay. In the process of researching remember two critical steps:
* Make sure you know the source of any information you will be using, building your bibliography AS YOU GO ALONG. (Use EasyBib)
* Take notes in a way that will allow you to rearrange the information later. I have given you many options: notecards, Webinspiration, Pages, PowerPoint, Word Outline, Google Slides, OneNote, and more.

Continue to study for Unit 12 V&R. CUMULATIVE TEST on Units 10-12 will be March 14. This test will not include Peak vocab.
Note: Tuesday and Wednesday are "A" Schedule days.

Monday, March 3: Continue researching and gathering facts to support your three arguments. (One paragraph = one argument)
Tuesday, March 4: Continue researching and gathering facts to support your three arguments. By the end of class today, you should have all your facts.
Wednesday, March 5: Unit 12 V&R test
Thursday/Friday: Parent Conferences, Dress Rehearsal for Willy Wonka, Jr. Break a leg, Thespians!


As you study for the V&R test, also begin reviewing the words/roots from Units 10 and 11. Remember that we did NOT have a test on Unit 10 due to the weather. Make sure you review my notes on sentences turned in, and ask for clarification as needed in class.